Technical expertise and capacity in GREENCODE

1). Human Resources  

19 fulltime and over 70 volunteers with good wealth of experience in community mobilization, food security and Agric. livelihood interventions, data collection, nutrition, WASH, advocacy. Our staff are skilled in project management, monitoring/evaluation, quality reporting and good financial management and recording keeping. We have a Head of Programmes (the National Coordinator) with over 10 years working experience in managing restricted/donor funded projects, who has worked both in INGO and NNGOs. 

Also, M/E Officers with over 2 years of working in the field with INGO, currently we have 3 female staff supporting our Nutrition intervention with experience in CMAM and IYCF-E and they have worked as Nutrition field worker for Save the Children. Similarly, we have experience Finance Officer(s) with hands on experience in managing the financial transaction of donor funded projects.

In summary we have at least one (1) trained and skilled staff that supports each of the programme areas listed above.

As added value, most of our staff and volunteers speak local language and understands local context

2). Logistic

We have young and effect staff that manages the logistics of transporting commodities and personnel as well as facilitate humanitarian access for project implementation with good relationship with both community and security personnel.

3). Security Focal Person

Considering the context of Humanitarian Access in some of the locations we work, GREENCODE has trained their local staff and field volunteers on some safety/security tips. Also, we have security and crisis management plan (draft) in place, though not yet finalised, but some of the draft plan is being used in Northeast.

We manage risk and provide to staff some deep field communication gadgets such as Satellite phones, Walkie Talkie etc.

4).  Resource Stewardship

GREENCODE has good and skilled finance staff that ensures proper and transparent management of the resources of the donor’s project/grant.

As best practice GREENCODE has an accounting software (Quick-books) that aid financial transaction entries.

In some case we have dedicated finance staff that managed the finance and the records of individual project. In addition, GREENCODE is registered with EFCC and has SCUML certificate that guide against money laundry/fraud. 

GREENCODE has zero tolerance to corruption as such has a functional Finance and procurement and Anti-fraud policies, as well a functional complaints mechanism and code of conducts that guide staff. We adopt value for money as practice toward good resource stewardship. 

5).  Office Facilities

We have functional offices in Maiduguri, Borno and Calabar, Cross River states respectively as well as a liaison point in Yola, Adamawa state. Each office/location have facilities that supports smooth implementation of the project(s). We 14 laptops computers, Printers, Tables, Chairs, Protector, File cabinets, Cash Boxes, Sat phones and Walkie Talkie etc.

Currently, we have existing rented vehicle contract with a car hire company that support staff and commodity movement to the field.

6).   Child Safeguarding/Protection and Gender Policy of the organization       

GREENCODE is a human rights promoter and child friendly organisation and to safeguard our work with and for children we have zero tolerant for child abuse and to enforce and monitor our interaction with children, we have in place a Child Protection Policy in place.